Detail in Czech Jewish Town Booklet in Czech available
Title in Czech: Pražské ghetto My rating: 2 of 5
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Reel No. 006-022
Country Czechoslovakia
Continent Europe
Photo Miroslav Urban
Serial No. Q-05-61085
Genre Sights
1. Maisel's Street
2. Ancient Synagogue
3. Altar
4. Jewish Cemetery
5. Maisel's Synagogue
6. Synagogue in Dušní Street
7. Klaus Synagogue


As early as the 9th century a trade settlement was mentioned, which was later called In the Jews. During the years 1232-34 the Jewish settlement was included in the circle of the new town fortifications. In approximately 1270 a Gothic Synagogue was built with the oldest architectonic portal to be found in Prague today. 

Burials in the Prague Jewish Cemetery date from the 14th century and, dominant over the 20.000 grave stones is the memorial of rabbi Loen who, according to legend, created the famous Golem. 

In the second half the 15th century the Pinkas Synagogue was built followed by the Maisel Synagogue during the Renaissance period. In 1689 the Prague Jewish Town was destroyed during a great fire. It was soon rebuilt on the former ruins in Baroque style. 

Today all these historical monuments are administered by the National Jewish Museum and document not only the high cultural and artisan skill, but also the rich and at the same time tragic history of the inhabitants of this part of Prague. 
